Monday, 4 April 2022

More Monday Miracles

Monday comes by yet again, this time the first one in April and certainly the first in April 2022. Since this is the case how come the daily miracles don't appear to be working? But that's a sceptical view dear readers, possibly even cynical. If you could only see the transformation wrought in the current abode of your old blogger, you'd surely believe in Miracles. Then there's ever increasing numbers of friends praying and on macro scale UK Column News on livestream with a different view from the mainstream narrative or brainwash as it's better known.

Oh my word dear readers, we appear to have fallen yet again into error or should that be Sin? As Catholics learn Sin may be venal or mortal, but in reality Sin merely infers error or in Latin to miss the mark or bullseye hence "without" e.g. vegetarian =  sin carne and so on. Leading us remorselessly to address vegetarianism since warm blooded sentient beings have been avoided for many years for health reasons, though not vegan nor fully veggie but Pescatarian for health reasons again. Vagu'un perhaps if we must have labels for relaxing our crazy minds!

A serious task as we move house at The Retreat House or A Place to Be to the more suitable house with downstairs bathroom and toilet, an interim stop before the bungalow where we may rest in peace.

Now for the books of which there are many, since The Retreat House kept a Library with serious books which may enlighten and describe the Miracles which we seek daily. Now they are displayed at the new Place to Be where visitors call over to check on the health of yours truly and his nurse friend and carer en route to the bungalow!

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