Wednesday 22 April 2020


Nocebo may be described as the dark side of placebo, its better known scientifically validated effect, widely used as a control in experiments to test new drugs ... the efficacy needs to be better than placebo, which is to say, an inert substance (more later), to justify the risks of side effects in the rush to  profits for drug corporations and their shareholders.

Time is short and research scanty, so please allow a leap, not of blind faith, but beyond the drug trials ... how about the power of the mind to heal the body, and itself? Even a few compassionate words from a confident doctor might help.

So if that's placebo, the positive side, the nocebo, is the power of the mind to make us ill. ...
Such medical patients are known as the worried well. .. more cruelly, time wasters, technically somatised ... numbers depend on how you count them, but it is significant.

Important now because a lot of people round the world are very worried indeed, and possibly generating all sorts of unexplained symptoms. .. worried sick ?

This idea fits into a complex and evolving narrative and will be revisited when you have had a chance to do some research. Meanwhile, maybe just stopping the drip drip of fear generating propaganda, will improve mental health ... honest, money back guarantee.

Tia and I wish to share the latest news from the immune system, because some readers expressed concern about the reckless refusal to run to the doctor after what was likely a mini-stroke ... there was no pain and we decided to trust the immune system to address what was really a minor issue. We agreed to cooperate and not bash symptoms, but find causes then support Tia's intelligence to address the root ... it may have been the download of a radical upgrade to the left hemisphere of the brain, which is to say the calculating, measuring mind, very broadly speaking. Fizzy fingers on the right hand appeared to be discharging excess energy. Slurring of speech was noted when talking too fast ... a little numbness was observed in the mouth when in silence and when fizzing.

Symptoms settled down.

Having addressed the cool energy of the brain, Tia alerted us to a slight swelling in the groin, where the energy is hot, especially the sexual energy which often gets us into scrapes when handled without care. There was no pain, nor discomfort, but a rare visual inspection noted the swelling.
Hasty research offered plenty of information. Favourite was associated with the lymphatic system, specifically a lymph node. A brief tour around the area noted the cluttered plumbing, including urine, blood, seminal fluid, all interacting. A nearby candidate was identified as a long forgotten insult to the integrity of the organism ... voluntary surgery was performed shortly after the birth of second daughter. It was a known risk, but taking responsibility for contraception seemed fair enough when the Pill was showing side effects and other options for the female seemed less satisfactory ... the risk was not just the interruption of energy flow, but also loss of barrier protection. The spontaneity and sensation was prioritised over safety.
A quick visual inspection located the tiny scar on the scrotum, where the supply of sperm was cut off from the seminal fluid ... no idea where it went. The seminal fluid, meanwhile, wherever that is produced and stored, found its way to the penis, where it escaped during orgasm.

So far so good, and lymph nodes may have been swelling on and off for years as far as I know.

Fun times!

Things changed when the joys of celibacy arrived, around the time of Camino, nearly six years ago. There was no rule, since celibacy has to be voluntary to avoid suppression, it seems, and routine maintenance was carried out when the body gave signs in dreams ... and so we walked in silence, sometimes in company, for some years, until a pilgrim slowed me down on a trip from Coimbra, and we walked along to Santiago, sharing rooms, the sexual energy building, until the challenge to transmute the ancient energy in the monastery was overtaken by her distaste for youthful Catholicism and my lust.

Celibacy resumed, with routine maintenance, for a while longer, then gradually the energy fell away, which was liberating ... it was an attachment.
Research having pointed to a sexual component, we considered the swelling was associated with a build up of energy. As a precaution routine maintenance was performed, along with hot and cold showers and direct sunlight, and light massage. Currently, the swelling is more or less stable, as Tia gets to work.

Happy to report zero pain, zero fear and trust in the universe that all is well, as represented by the gentle, kind Tia, promoted from her original role those few weeks ago ...

The weather becomes exceptionally hot and sunny, with a light frost at dawn when the first walk over the fells enables appreciation of Nature, not separate, in full bloom ... Sun gazing boosts the batteries with a jolt. Don't try this at home, it's delicate work ... you could burn your retinas ...
For whatever reason, energy levels are high, the Resistance work requires it ... dangerous times and full of opportunity. Arundhati Roy steps up as a prophet for the time, Chris Larcombe steps up with a technological innovation built on the Holochain ... he last appeared in the blog some years ago, today I am moved to invest in his crowdfunder for the Holochain ... no idea what it's about, but he has my trust and always has ... check him out for yourself.

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