Wednesday 22 April 2020

Good Friday ...

Picking up the post about Our NHS, as promised, let's make it personal again .... starting in 1950, a handy year to be born, since it is not just a new decade, making sums easier, but also a half-century marker ... and more or less the date the Attlee Government of Socialists thanked Churchill for his service and embarked on wholesale reforms ... including Nationalising Utilities and things essential to capitalist enterprises, at that time undercapitalised ... our cherished National Health Service was devised to ensure healthy workers and soldiers, though it was rather more a National Illness Service, since Public Health played second fiddle, not least because the Doctor class required lots of cash to persuade them to sign up, whilst the working class was delighted to pay their National Insurance stamp to ensure free healthcare and support when between jobs.

All this worked well for a decade or two, as the economy thrived, trade unions flourished, some workers took long breaks when work didn't suit them, Doctors found huge opportunities in Our NHS, not least the terrific support they enjoyed from the corporations researching, manufacturing and marketing their magic potions ... week long seminars in the Bahamas, with plenty of time for golf, were not unknown, all expenses paid and other benefits ... whilst holistic health languished and specialisms flourished, with large salaries to augment private practice ...

And so, as happens with any organisation, decay sets in from every angle. Our NHS grew like a cancer along with the Trade Unions with their needs separate from the needs of the members they represented ... whilst public health improvements environmentally, like slum clearance, cleaner air to breathe and water to drink, sewage more or less dispersed to deprive deadly diseases of a breeding ground, were obviously correlated with modern medical solutions ... though better marketing denied any causal link to their detriment ... some say the converse is true, of course but that's hypothesis and well worth exploring when iatrogenesis is known to be a major killer shh!
N.B. iatrogenesis: the unintended consequences of treatments and procedures from physicians and surgeons which cause harm to patients. This includes adverse reaction to drugs.

Obviously if the treatment and the drug were known to be dangerous, then criminal negligence cases should follow. Vaccination for example, was developed and deployed using the insight of "like cures like", which often worked to stimulate the organism to produce antibodies to the target disease. Homeopathy achieved similar results with medicines so dilute that all that was left was the memory of the dangerous disease in the water. This didn't suit the bottom line of the drug companies, who funded studies finding homeopathic remedies useless and therefore the regulatory bodies banned them. NICE! The other breakthrough for dividends was banning inert and harmless treatments which worked as Placebo, but only if the Doctor lied and claimed it was very effective ... and so the scam goes on ...

Meanwhile, the Thatcher of Grantham arrived on the scene to dismantle the Welfare State undermine the Unions and let capitalism rip through Our NHS in a brutal revolution called Neo-Liberalism ... Scargill and the coal miners fought a symbolic battle for more than a year to defend their hard won rights, to no avail ... and every Prime Minister from Tory, New Labour, to Coalition and back to Tory again followed suit.

Frankly, Our NHS is neither ours nor a National Health Service, as different departments were flogged off to the highest bidder, and here we are today, clapping madly and queuing for untested vaccines already producing adverse reactions and deaths, whilst venal experts assure us that they're not just safe but necessary to save our grannies ... deception on a huge scale. Trials will follow, not only of the drugs but those held responsible and accountable ... not unlike Nuremberg from 70 years ago, more or less ...

Well, that's Good Friday's news so far folks. A long Bank Holiday for some, religious festival for others and for an old blogger, wondering what's Good about it from Jesus's point of view, just another day in Weardale ... with long walks and Hot Cross Buns ...

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