Monday 13 April 2020

The thick plotens ...

Well, that's Easter over ... the brave leader of the DUK, having endured the suffering of a trip to our marvellous NHS, miraculously rose from the dead in perfect timing on Sunday. Some people seem to believe it, such is the depth of the delusion delivered daily with the drip drip of endlessly repeated content free phrases.

Or maybe I am the deluded one and indoors really is the safest place and going out is dangerous, not just for the reckless escapees, but also for those loyally complying with the law, not just in the spirit, but the letter, as overheard from the rather sinister acting PM, D.Raab. The story is tightly told to trap us into easy acceptance of the loss of freedom unimaginable a month ago. Worse still, the prisoners demand tighter restrictions, such is the fear. It's a Brave New World indeed.

Younger sister writes with Easter greetings and offers new facts to clean up our shared story ... Mum was not one of 12, as guessed by the slack writer, but 8. Still a lot, but a 25% error is lotter. .. trying that new word out and looking forward to hearing whether it works for you dear reader.
Dad, meanwhile, told Judith how he came to join the Army Medical Corps ... maybe not avoiding killing so much as being killed. If he had been you wouldn't be reading this story, imagine that!

Time to shoot some sacred cows ...

Readers may have observed a political back story from the left ... think Saint Jeremy and keep going ... to be honest I still struggle to listen to Tories dispassionately, let alone compassionately. My FB friends are consciously recruited for diversity. People's strongly held opinions are worth observing ... without judgement, though not without discernment. One of the crew was extremely vegan, disparaging corpse munchers scornfully. Let's call him Tony. Recently he was reborn as a carnivore and strongly critical of veganism. A man with strongly held opinions. Possibly anger issues. Others are passionate fans of Trump. Not all rednecks. Some cite their hero, the previous president. In fact he has a whole story wrapped in his name - Obamacare. .. clever and, like Trump's catchphrase, Make America Great Again, mostly content-free ... Stay Indoors, Stay Safe is a current version, sometimes abbreviated to Stay Safe ... since this particular phrase is leading to such danger it has to be challenged ... which triggers many who have swallowed the soma pill ... my current plot to subvert it is to use the same tactics and sign off FB posts with "Be Kind" ... perhaps it will go viral and reprogramme millions so they be subtly led into kinder delusions ... like Buddhism or similar sloppy stories of peace and love ...

A similar sideshow plays out in DUK ... picking up ongoing virus stories, processing them though familiar filters, arguing about which side has the best policy in a limited view of the international battle against the deadly virus ...which turns out to be not entirely international, maybe not best dealt with as a battle, not deadly to healthy people unless exposed to a massive dose, not universally accepted as a virus by well qualified scientists in the field ... crikey! Shut up and watch the news, people are dying in droves and I am terrified ...

Meanwhile, Obama is named for a more compassionate healthcare system, and over two terms approved ongoing wars designed to destabilise the renegade oil rich nations. Trump appeared to withdraw troops, whilst pursuing other means of securing freedom for the people of Iraq, Libya, Syria ... Trump's instinct appears to have been to let the Covid19 virus run its course. .. Johnson also ... we will never know how that would have gone, and spurious modelling is guesswork. Sweden provides a helpful alternative.

Perhaps the biggest Sacred Cow in DUK is the NHS. .. three letters pointing to a huge, complex, bundle or organisations. . that's for another day.

Back to the personal,  not because the returning ego needs the attention, so much as in some ways personal experience is the closest we get to truth ... and even that needs watching carefully.
This crisis is really energising me. The unbelievable, rapid slip into martial law is astonishing. And ordinary folks are demanding more restrictions. The consequences for the elderly and vulnerable are drastic ... and I am not talking about death. That's coming sooner rather than later from something or other. Dying is a serious business, best done peacefully and with loved ones around. The cruel measures imposed claim to protect them, but don't. This is not strict quarantine.
I am not seeking martyrdom and anyway they are not threatening to shoot resisters ... yet. But there is no fear in discreetly working round the blocks to compassionate action. Neither from a virus, police or the willing informers stepping up to risk their reputations ...

The organism is in fine form, immune system boosted by plenty of exercise, fresh air and sunshine.
Between us (and Google) dear reader, I can report a strange effect in the brain the other day. Speaking became disrupted between brain and mouth ... momentarily, then completely jumbled. There was no pain, just close observation. It settled down. There has been much speaking and listening since social gathering was banned. Deep conversations on the fells with all sorts of people. Neighbours in their gardens. Trying to understand what's going on ... and to undermine the self-imposed attack on our freedoms. .. There are others seeing through the hallucination and the rural setting is much more relaxed for resistance ...  but some previously hospitable people are cheerleading for the prevention of city dwellers from seeking respite in "our" countryside. Even folks who own mobile homes, who have been visiting each season for years, drunk in the pubs, socialised with locals ... what are we becoming?

That's enough for now. The Sun is shining and free vitamin D is out there. Please rest assured dear reader, that the psych seems sufficiently stable, if unusually engaged with the other humans. If you have been offended by any of this, stand by or stop looking. .. there is more to come. ..

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