Monday 27 April 2020

The Leader Returns!

Good timing for yesterday's post, released very early into the Weardalosphere and beyond via the fast moving Facebook. It is getting some traction, raising some questions and, thus amplified, perhaps even coming to the attention of the M.P. Not that that was the point, or in any expectation of the M.P. bringing it to the attention of the returning leader after his long convalescence, leaving the nightmare in the competent hands of his top team. Now he can loosen things up and play the good guy. It will take a few weeks of loosening up, but the Boss is on it. Trust him.

I spend early morning wanders over the fells in the Sun talking to sheep and their new born lambs. I find the discourse more intelligent. The script is increasingly unlikely.

Still curious to see how this crisis is playing out internationally and all levels. Including cosmic.
Weird stuff pops up increasingly. How are all the players in all the countries engaged, which is most of them, following scripts, with draconian measures varying in the severity according to cultural expectations? How are huge countries with tiny numbers of deaths attributed to this virus piling into the fray? India, with half a person per million is creating more deaths by forcing slum dwellers to stay indoors and preventing them escaping to their villages away from the overcrowded fetid streets ... while the likely source is rich folks flying in with the bug.

What came first, the virus or the fear?

Weirder ... passing along a street in the village, I was hailed by a woman I hadn't seen for a few years ... she had told me then that she had the gift of seeing and saw a Michael on my shoulder. A few years before that, in Newcastle, a woman who had the gift of seeing angels, had read the cards and drawn St Michael as Guardian Angel ... which prompted me to explain what or who the first one might be seeing. So, in the latest conversation, she confirmed that Michael was still there ... not that I take it too seriously, but there it is ... the warrior Archangel, going into battle with sword and whatnot, not the most peaceful image, but the warrior spirit is here, albeit with writing rather than slaying.

Tia update: a kind friend with medical knowledge risked her life from a virus by breaching the 2m rule radically to examine the barely visible swelling in the groin. The suggestion was hernia, possibly caused by the recent exertions in the woodlands. Nothing noted at the time, but there was a tricky task pulling a fallen tree out of a ravine. Whilst less exotic as a story, it does trigger memories of childhood fascination with the not uncommon sight of older men sporting huge lumps ... it was called a rupture then. Let's see how that goes, but currently of no concern.

Life seems to be getting more and more interesting. .. lack of attention to the Fear news is possibly rather irresponsible, but there is hopefully enough information to aware without drowning in the detail.

The usual suspects are already planning how to pick up the old agendas, more sensible capitalists are looking for more radical change to preserve their power without crashing the economy again, others seeking more equality, some wanting to reduce consumption of finite resources. There is a more radical movement building for whole systems change. Best get cracking, 'cos the beautiful new world won't create itself ...

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