Friday 25 June 2021

Freedom Day again ...

Keeping up with blogging is a discipline lacking here at Wear and Dao now ... after all, this game of Good and Evil we're playing for real today is speeding up and in virtual reality FB appears to elicit more response from local folks, especially when an Incomer hooks up with a respected local Influencer to comment on her posts.

After a go at Freedom Day on Monday, since the Junta UK postponed its version for spurious reasons, today there's a gathering in London, which your blogger spent the week considering and finally resisted the temptation since there is plenty to do here and now, including distributing propaganda with The Light newspaper, June issue, delayed on its journey from the printer in London, since the boss of the trucker discovered the nature of the cargo and breached his contract to deliver wholesale up North East, maybe other regions too. July issue due soon, let's see about that, but this one is enough to encourage resisters to Resist ...

Meanwhile, a huge event in London is planned today at 1pm in Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park. FB fun entertains the blogger as neutrals sit back and watch while Common Purpose cultists issue rather rude advice to the innocent old chap doing his best to protect a free press by sharing the Light. Imagine small demons snarling in a virtual world, two of whom are well known to the poor old blogger and indeed are FB friends, even friends in the flesh, since one is local, the other retired to Sweden. The third is local too, so her cult credentials are yet to be examined. Let's just say, her use of language is rather snarly and leave it there. Taking the moral high ground really upsets them and does no credit to the blogger, but what else can you do with Luciferians trapped in the shadows?

Some say, say nothing and don't play the games of children. Remember when we seemed to divide more or less equally, when it was Cowboys and Indians, but nobody wanted to play Hitler or Gestapo nasties, when brave British Soldiers, assisted by Sailors and Air Crew, were heading to Normandy, did they? Which shows the reader(s) how old the writer was in 1955 or 60 ...

So, why play these binary games at all, when all is one, a Unity? And having understood it, how does it help humanity to evolve by contrasting Light with Dark, when Dark is merely the absence of Light, light is energy vibrating throughout the Universe and all the matter merely energy condensed to a slow vibration .... all of which is speculation of course, from scientists and mystics throughout the ages, expressing the inexpressible, entertaining humanity, to pass the time, expressed linearly for some unknown reason ... hmmm, All The World is a Stage alright, and Blake's Universe in a Grain of Sand, Eternity in an Hour, not to mention Jerusalem, the hymn, are only two of many pushing us along the Way ...

The weather in Stanhope is damp today and wet yesterday, but in London, where the Resistance is gathering today, it's dry and sunny, they say.

Hooray! Happy Freedom Day. Much better than slavery, eh?

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