Monday 14 June 2021

Plots and Plans

And so it goes on in these long summer days with daylight setting the time to rise, though frankly six or seven or even sometimes eight hours of sleep are required to restore the cells of this old body, especially the neurones busy thinking and renewing, known as neurogenesis, helpful to stave off dementia as old cells atrophy, as all cells seem to do ... and sharp thinking has been required to make some sense out of non sense, or to use another illustration, the intellectual Left Hemisphere, which usurped Power from the Right side where the Whole is located ... a shocking mistake expertly explained by psychiatrist Iain MacGilchrist in The Master and His Emissary some years ago.

Time speeds up, information expands exponentially, meaning the Universe itself expands if Cosmologists are correct in their calculations.  If Jude Currivan is right, all information is held in two dimensions, defining the edge of this particular universe, with all the rest being holographic projection in a third dimension. Space Time was proposed by Einstein as a fourth dimension, leaving several more dimensions seeking explanation in String Theory, not to mention Multiverse Theory, which wanders beyond the single universe defined by Jude. Obscure, is the word for current cosmology, not to mention the quantum world where nothing is certain according to Heisenberg and others. William Blake used mystical insight to unify the conundrum of macro and micro worlds, but not with modern science. His poetic words of Infinity in a grain of sand, Eternity in an hour, still echo through the centuries. As does his hymn, Jerusalem, with England's Green and Pleasant Land.

Rain forecast for tomorrow, much needed after drought. Down South they had it yesterday, after sunny spells for plotters from G7 lands in Cornwall, doing their best to provoke the plebs to wake up and rise up at last, realise the yoke around our necks and the cosmic joke being played out, written by Cosmic Scriptwriters as seen in revelation some years ago along the Camino towards Santiago de Compostela. A mind uncluttered by rubbish sees earthly concerns more clearly, and there are plenty of prophets these days, as always, pointing out the madness of a world full of violence, created by human beings without social ethics taking power from deluded voters and using it to delude us further.

God help us all! If indeed there is a God up there. That's another question for another day, though regular readers will have heard it many times before. Not the answers, just the questions.
Sun is up already, Scotland appear to have drawn with England without any goals. More nonsense distracting humans from important tasks ... like walking back home, Nature, where we come from.
And to which we return ...

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