Sunday 6 June 2021

Summer 21

The first day of June dawned brightly at Brighton Hill, Basingstoke, Hampshire and intentions turned South-West to Brockwood, Bramdean, Hampshire and the Krishnamurti Centre for a Retreat to recover and prepare for camping in Dorset on Saturday. At the Centre known friends were found, including customers and staff, all friendly and full of information about the Pandemic Year. Some wore masks so Covid Police didn't close the whole operation and others did not since the Local Authority running the Prefects has no basis in Law for their claims and need to be aware of Nuremberg precedents at every level ...

Serious fun began with Ambrose from near Ampleforth, North Yorkshire; an Englishman with a Catholic Mum and Jewish Dad. He arrived here thanks to surviving four different Camps designed for killing Jews and other undesirables, which was extremely lucky. Peter from Bucks, who has been working on the problem of reconciling the mini and macro worlds through equations, joined us and broadened the conversation. Thereafter more and more conversations developed with staff, guests and random human beings encountered on walks around Bramdean, including at the Community Cafe in West Meon, visited daily since WiFi is frowned upon at the K Centre for obvious reasons. Whilst many folks visit to retreat and embrace the silence and ambience, most of my life is spent in silence and the current mission in life is spreading propaganda and peace to nudge folks towards a better world and not accept the current dystopian plans of dark forces.

After Ambrose departed, Gordon became a regular feature at the socially distanced table and he accepted an invitation to visit Stanhope, like Ambrose. Tundaye, also expressed an interest, whilst sharing deep learning about Advaita Vedanta as a method to complement the teachings of K. Helena, a staff member on retreat contributed to the discourse, with her insights from inside the organisation, as did Alisdair, a trustee of the Foundation. Sandie arrived, an old friend from the visit in 2019 and shared her views as an artist, along with Arnold, her Icelandic friend and staff member.

Frankly, the four day visit is rather a blur, with other characters playing their own roles in our common dramas and the information is still being processed in the brain or mind of this old blogger appearing separate as ego in order to present as a human being, with lessons still to learn on the never ending journey. Life School!

As for plans, the camping trip West to Dorset swung North to Stanhope and Daisy insisted on an early start to skip the traffic jams, meaning most of Saturday was spent in and around the Retreat House in Weardale and Sunday, yesterday, was spent in Hexham, standing about in the Park sharing information with the Resistance locally and generally enjoying the sunshine with friendly people, and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed instead of camping in Dorset, walking the hills and swimming in the sea with lots of people getting Sun tanned and maybe burned ...

As for today, who knows? Time to relax and enjoy the scenery perhaps ...

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