Friday 11 June 2021

More fun in Stanhope plus National Trust ...

Just another week in and around Weardale, known here as Heaven on Earth, or maybe that's all in my mind, who knows? It's always seemed a good idea to question everything, not least because it upset the authorities, starting with Dad, and spiralling up to anyone at all who stood in the way of my freedom. This may sound solipsistic, dear reader(s), but it's really not, since questioning everything, and always asking why? is a sure fire route to wisdom, the love of which is known as philosophy in Ancient Greek, though some translations suggest sophy infers knowledge, a misuse of which can be very dangerous indeed. The Sophists in Athens in the good old days were known as Mouths for Hire and experts at debating, and leading Democracy up the Garden Path. Pedants at this stage may point out that Ancient Greek Democracy did not include slaves, women, children or even many men. Best not assume Words are reliable paths to Truth perhaps!

After escaping from Hampshire before anyone was up, the road home to Stanhope was clear all the way and Daisy only needed one small rest and some fuel at Sheffield to arrive home in time for elevenses and a long rest before Sunday's short drive over the hill to Stand in the Park at 10 with fellow dissenters, which was nice. Monday and Tuesday were for wandering around Heaven, greeting old friends and new ones as usual, including sharing opinions as seemed appropriate to encourage dissent without alienating folks. Wednesday was for the National Trust and Fountains Abbey near Ripon, Yorkshire; an amazing place on a sunny day and some strange and wonderful encounters with total strangers, who engaged in conversation with the old blogger and friend, since such places are conducive to interactions with any victim who returns smiles and responds to key triggers like: Good Morning! How are you? Where are you from! It's lovely weather isn't it? What's your name? ... and so on. Outside masks were very rare on such a sunny day and on the few occasions when such strange behaviour was requested on official notices issued by neo-fascist authorities along with other peculiar orders designed to maintain control of the populace for nefarious reasons becoming clearer by the day, as the Universe offers clues about our destiny, which appears to be to lance the boil built up for centuries as patriarchy and plutocracy and such reprehensible reactions as submission to Evil, Luciferian cults through Fear.

Anyway, it's clear that the six years on pilgrimage examining the workings as one small brain, not separate at all from Universal Mind, which includes you, dear reader(s) ... well, that's my view so far and it keeps me contented and happy to exit this Earth plane anytime. Sharp minded readers may observe a win win solution to the suffering seen in the world by Gautama, as he offered his 4 Noble Truths 3,500 linear years or so ago. And if this deluded old blogger wakes up dead one day, to find no heaven, hell, liberation or any ongoing consciousness at all?

It's Saturday again in Stanhope ... time to walk and rejoin Nature!

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