Sunday 8 August 2021

Busy weekend with 8 8 Gate ...

After a relaxed lead up in and around Stanhope, enjoying the frequently heavy showers replenishing the river and fields, not to mention watering the garden and washing the car, the weekend was spent mostly over the hills in Hexham and nearby at The Garden Station, with The Tribe hanging around over those parts, to share Lionsgate Portal fun and games.

So, before we start, shall we try to define Tribe? Why not!

Collins rather large dictionary offers many sorts of Tribes as one might expect. Not to mention adjacent words beginning with Trib ... some quite surprising, but that's for you, the reader to discover, anyway it's not any old tribe, but My Tribe, which makes a huge difference, of course!
Leaving aside the question of personal pronouns inferring a small self, and since this chapter is about human groups and how they seek like-minded folks with whom to resonate, more or less, let's say vibrational frequency is key, as well as physical proximity. Others may have virtual tribes or groups of folks all over the place, but that's their tribal business, not mine.

Now, if frequencies align, more or less, perhaps if there's a clear signal, without interference crackling, then that suggests coherence between two or more humans. Frankly, such clarity is tough enough between two humans, let alone a whole tribe, though a brief retuning of the dial may clear the crackle for a while. So, the next question is: how many humans are optimal in a contemporary tribe? Two seems too few to be called My Tribe, and hundreds perhaps too many, unless we have a cult, of course, where the followers adjust their dials to resonate with the Leader, the Wise One, for fear of upsetting him or her, and being expelled from the Tribe. Since this idea leads to questions of organised religions being cultish, perhaps that's best left for now, except to say such cults still provide comfort and like minded company, even if hypocrisy is observed occasionally.

So, My Tribe these days, appears to reside a few miles North in Hexhamshire, which works for now, since a car can be there soon enough to meet the tribal group. And clearly, not all of them resonate at exactly the same frequency, which is not a problem. Having a Chief, Shaman, or Wise Elders running things to align the Tribe ready for tribal wars with neighbours is not required these days.

And tribes come and go as does everything on this planet, the Earth Plane as it's known on other wiser planets, from which we came ages ago, to teach and learn essential lessons, about Peace and Love, basically.

Meanwhile, in Stanhope, the Sun returns to warm us as harvest time approaches and the agricultural shows, cancelled by the fascist government last year, begin updale at St John's Chapel, then Wolsingham downdale, before Stanhope Show in the second weekend of September.

Before all those fun and games and celebrations, the serious business of removing fascism, not with force, but simply by declining to comply with senseless orders, mocking the fascists, and taking to the streets ... this Saturday 1pm in Newcastle and all round the world as folks wake up from their nightmares.

Then it's back to blackberries and apples to eat, as the illusion crumbles, and mushrooms appear like magic, for nourishment or visions ... take your pick!

Honestly, tribes are one thing, solitude another ... it's all the same here at Wear and Dao ...

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