Monday 16 August 2021

Hexham in light rain ...

After the excitement of asserting the right of human beings to walk freely along streets and roads, footpaths and open access land, and finding public servants blocking roads wantonly with minibuses and officers with batons drawn, Sunday was a day of rest, since God had spent all week creating the universe and deserved a day off. Fair enough, there's always more creating to do, and these days creative humans create things any time they like. This version of the creation, or at least most of the lives of human beings residing on planet earth, went wrong a long time ago, when humans let the male half take charge of things, leaving the females as slaves basically. This was known as patriarchy, though matriarchy was practised in some places apparently. The Amazons were in charge there, and they weren't delivering parcels for Jeff Bezos, a bloke. Clearly the only fair way is to have a balance, or a jobshare, with God having two genders creating fairer worlds, without wars or poverty or any kind of oppression.

All sorts of discussions went on under the shelter of the Bandstand in Hexham, including feedback from folks who enjoyed their day out on Saturday, plus info that the police had arrested two leaders the night before and locked them up to keep them safe from the protest. Incoming information from mystics in Hexham included all sorts of cosmic battles going on and promises of ascension from the third dimension to the fifth depending on our vibrational frequency, which is quite exciting.

Similar news arrives on YouTube to reinforce the message, leaving the mundane questions of an Eton toff left in charge in a country of humans, mostly seeing him as untrustworthy, yet tolerated as fit to lead the Luciferian clique in the UK, which shows the scale of the mass hypnosis amongst the masses, watching telly and believing the bullshit.

The weather changes again, as Sun and warmth is forecast for the last two weeks of August, and September's often warm too, as the blackberries start to ripen, and Stanhope Show returns after Chapel and Wolsingham ... which is nice.

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