Thursday 5 August 2021

Lions Gate opening soon....

August being the eighth month of the calendar in use in most of the World, which decided that a year might be divided by twelve, to make one month. Of course, a lunar month is more like thirteen, since every twenty eight days the Earth Moon waxes and wanes, moves the waters of the seas, not to mention menstruating women, and is considered auspicious when seen as new, as well as when full. Astrologically Leo occurs around this time, and Leo is a lion, in English. Skipping to numerology, the eighth day of the eighth month has significance, not least to Leo the Lion, whose portal opens on Sunday, along with the New Moon. Where the portal, or gate, leads us, is yet to be seen, but let's hope it's good news!

As it happens, a friend found standing in the Park in Hexham, was fairly certain that the Lion's Gate was opening on Sunday, sometime. For quizzical readers, please note that there is no shortage of pubs in Hexham, but The Lion's Gate is not one of them. Being of a spiritual disposition, and keen to learn more about the numinous, this World Crisis offers many perspectives, from the fearful to the fearless, the quantum to the cosmological, the religious to the atheistic, and so on; what's clear enough is that we don't require quantum physics or cosmology to know fascism when we smell it, or a degree in Ethics to know so-called experts at the Behavioural Insights Team at Cabinet Office are bullshitters, let alone trust drugs companies renowned for corruption.

Research on the internet reveals more and more convincing evidence of the intentions of the Plutocracy to screw the mere mortals yet again. White Rose and UK Column are very popular with sceptics, though mostly unknown to the hypnotised; and life, the universe and everything continues to amaze those curious to explore old stories and new ones. Such is life without television in 2021, needing other ways to pass the time, as the final curtain calls ... but not quite yet. Does this old blogger imagine he's still in the role of Che Guevara, as in previous times? Not really, but it was fun then, and it's fun now, so nostalgia notwithstanding, it's afternoon and time to wander and spread the message of rebellion in Weardale, if any wandering humans wish to discuss the issues of fascist governments and why they are not a good thing.

Having successfully exercised the legs and found a posh suit at a charity shop, for the funeral next week, at a bargain price ... and let's face it, you never know when a posh suit is required for weddings or funerals, though probably not christenings ... a tourist or caravaner from Sunderland wearing a skinhead suit and head, plus insignia suggesting a youth spent challenging authority. It seemed a good idea to enquire about his hobby and he said he still loved the music but not the racism, and he was certainly not keen on fascism in government. He was happy to accept some copies of The Light, so, job done, here we are filling the space in the blog before sending it out to the world to read. Well, those few folks who actually read it, obviously!

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