Monday 2 August 2021

Rescues of dogs and human beings

After a full day of discussion at the Park in Hexham and the house housing two human beings plus two huge rescued dogs, where a picnic occurred in the garden, attended by many humans who'd spent the morning by the bandstand, keen to continue the conversations and check out the property of two of the humans, who'd arrived there not long ago from near Yeovil, with the two huge rescue dogs, from Rumania. Let's just say, Rumanian shepherd dogs' job is not to round up the sheep, but to deter the wolves trying to eat them. The male was very kind, and happy to greet the strangers, whilst the female was rightly cautious about strange men, feared their intentions, and took a while to calm down. Not unlike some human behaviour, of course!

A phone call from a dear friend needing a rescue from the flat she was clearing after the demise of her husband, a good friend of mine, since her car had died with a red light indicating no brakes, so please stop asap, if not sooner. A journey with Daisy, over the hills from Allendale, to Weardale and nearby Crook, was easily accomplished, the friend rescued, and both of us happy to remember dear Frank, whose long life, as an investigative journalist, had been amazing and worthy of a full obituary another day.

Meanwhile, in the lying mainstream media, full of divide and rule tales about a world beyond belief, but allegedly true, where some Human Beings are so callous they question why the RNLI, whose mission is to save lives at sea, bother saving dark skinned children from drowning in the English Channel or La Manche in French. The reasons given by the heartless ones is fear that England may be swamped by bloody foreigners, forgetting that not so long ago, in 1066, England was invaded by bloody Normans, who actually took over the country and gave away the land to their own kind of people. Hence the many expressions in the English language actually French, such as deja vu, as seen before, and bon appetit, since the English food was so awful that we didn't bother saying anything much except get it down you and get back to work.

Back in Stanhope today, the game goes on as the customary early walk reveals many canines walking their humans, grateful for having been rescued, and glad to give back unconditional love in return for full bed and board, walks, vets fees and someone to pick up their poo.

Even dogless humans are spoken with to share the good news that Stanhope's a great place to live, for incomers, locals, rescued dogs, other dogs and even cats.

As for the Light propaganda, that's still going well. The masses are waking up after a long sleep and many dreams of what, who knows? Maybe a nightmare? As is known, any dream seems real at the time, so if we learn to enter a dream from a reality we don't like, we may change our dreams and create a reality we love!

Worth a try, don't you think?

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