Wednesday 18 August 2021

Lucidly dreaming

Sleeping is vital for resting the body and relaxing the mind, and eight hours is considered optimal, with another eight for working and the third part of the twenty four for watching the telly whilst eating a takeaway pizza and popcorn. In the olden days of capitalism things were different, before automation, when six days each week were for working far more than eight hours, sleep was a luxury, pizza in Italy, and Sunday the one day of rest. Unless your work was droning on to the sleepy masses about how God loved them so much he sent his only son down to suffer and die on a cross, so the poor bloody masses could feel guilty about nodding off in church, when they'd rather be in the pub getting pissed to forget their miserable lives ... well, it's safe to say, that the masses of mainstream Christians, dreaming of the pub, were permitted to drink alcohol and gamble their earnings away, whilst the Methodists were promised Hell if they dared to defy the wrath of John Wesley and his God, though he meant well, even if rather stern. Any women reading this provocative post, showing little gratitude for being able to read, write, vote and express an opinion of their own, may point out that having God as a father to fear, Jesus a man to revere, and a Holy Ghost of indeterminate gender making up a holy trinity ... quite a story eh? was patriarchal nonsense. These days some versions of the tale let females up front to preach the story to the dwindling congregations, to revive the organised religions, or some of them ... but that's quite enough about the egregious error of organising, measuring, monitoring Things, when things are merely energy vibrating in reality, maybe a holographic projection in three dimensions and illusory.

If we take spacetime as the fourth dimension, what on Earth is the fifth one, much discussed in esoteric circles or spirals? 26,000 year cycles within an Eternity, by definition beyond Time, what can it mean? Maybe this story is unearthly and referring to other planets or even parallel universes, and the ancient prophesies are overdue ... pointing not necessarily to a matriarchy but the balance between the two?

Anyway, the lucid dreaming is coming along fine, once the deep sleep is done after an hour or two, and deeper questions are dreamt, asked, answered and responded to, including whether reading more books, writing more blogs or FB posts, marching on the streets protesting about the Luciferians and their doomed dark game ... and waking refreshed this morning to write about the experience of lucidly dreaming, or hallucinating, or whatever goes on the the minds of the egos, not to mention Universal Mind, of course, which once tapped into, offers Freedom from delusions and Fear, without mescalin or other psychotropic drugs ... it seems entirely possibly that everything is in the Mind, including notions of Heaven and Hell. Which is comforting.

Listening to Aldous Huxley on audio, with an actor emulating his posh diction, may well have influenced the dreaming, as The Doors of Perception opening was close to bedtime, and Huxley was self-assured in his perception during his mescalin trip that the small ego mind, normally very confident, disappeared from view, since it's fundamentally false! This view chimes with Wear & Dao in the crumbling villa near Guadiaro in Andalusian Summer some years ago. You can read it yourself if you like!

Well, that's the blog writing done for today ... what next? It's 11.11 as this is written, so another coffee might be nice!

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