Saturday 21 August 2021

Weekend delusions

Saturday August 21st 2021 in damp Stanhope, after walking with a small Shitzu through woods and over fells, for exercise for an old blogger and a small canine, prior to writing, reading and considering what on Earth is going on in the current illusion of the world as shown in propaganda censored by governments to provide lies approved for human consumption.

Dear reader, I have to confess: it's no longer clear if any of this shitshow is actually real, delusion or illusion. After all, many philosophers have suggested that we humans are only human when in relationship with at least one other human, inferring the absence of ego self, fundamentally. Obviously there's no point being here on this planet, discussing the Meaning of Life using symbolic language like words, numbers, music or art to communicate with ourselves, is there!

Let's face it, we might as well have remained part of Nature in the first place, instead of imagining we were higher than the rocks, plants and animals and only lower than what we called Jehovah, God or Allah, for want of a name for the numinous, which we would never understand. Anyway, all that religion, has been covered here many times, and even before this 2019 scam it was clear that a World where Wars and suffering were organised by demonic forces, and Worlds Beyond were available for humans who really focused forensically in one they preferred, leaving all the bullshit in Awareness, for context.

Information arriving from the virtual worlds available on all sorts of channels, including seers channelling from cosmic realms, suggesting good times ahead, as planets and moons align in the sky, and humans seeing the chance of trips to better worlds without all the paperwork demanded by the Luciferians and their slaves in order to cross borders, which are merely imaginary lines on maps, dreamt up to divide and rule humans, as usual ... well, clearly none of it makes sense, does it? Anyway, the good news is, the long awaited Age of Aquarius is here now, for those choosing to see it. For old folks, baby boomers in other words, recalling the decade or more of Peace, Love, Beatles, festivals with hippies stripping off and rolling in the mud, smoking dope, tripping on acid, and seeing heaven in other worlds, after the hell of WW2 ... the Dark forces made a comeback in the eighties, as avarice, selfishness and obsessive individualism took over the minds of so many humans ... imagine that! Lennon the prophet was shot, for singing Imagine a world of Peace, still a classic delusion in some hippy minds ...

Hey ho, on we go, Sunday August 22nd and another full moon full of energy to inspire the hopeful folks, preparing to embark on the spaceships awaiting ... though not before the Dark forces are exposed completely and the Light returns after thousands of years; a blink of the eye in the short span of a human life, let's say 80 earth years maybe? So, since it's Sunday, a short trip over the hills to Hexham again, seems as good a way as any to spend a morning in a Park with tribal friends, passing the time, discussing the Meaning of Life, and why we bothered coming to Earth in the first place ...

Meanwhile, in Stanhope, yesterday's heavy rain has watered the plants and washed the car, and filled the fells with water ready to flow in burns to the River Wear, where the sea trout and salmon are returning to spawn and requiring a little more water up which to leap, as they like to do every year about this time ... taking their chances with the herons standing still, fishing for breakfast ...
As for this human, porage will do, plus banana from abroad, and honey from the bees, busy in the  purple heather on the fells ...

Have you ever wondered, dear reader, whether the fish, the heron or the bees, consider the Meaning of Life or fear death? If you have, please write in with the answers, because it's not clear here at all!

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